Invited Talks
- “Exotic Magnetotransport in Simple Magnetic Weyl Semimetal Films”
(2024 MRS Spring Meeting, April 2024, Seattle (QT07.08.03)) - “Observation of in-plane anomalous Hall effect”
(CEMS Topical Meeting on Emergent Phenomena in Topological Quantum Materials, May 2024, Wako) - “Triangular-Lattice Magnetic Semiconductor Producing Giant Anomalous Hall Signals”
(2023 MRS Spring Meeting, April 2023, San Francisco (QM02.01.02)) - “Quantum Hall conduction on topological semimetal Fermi arcs”
(15th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC15), August 2022, online) - “Quantized Transport on Topological Semimetal Fermi Arcs”
(2021 MRS Spring Meeting, April 2021, online (NM03.09.02)) - “Quantization of Surface Conduction in Topological Semimetal Films”
(The Future of Topological Materials, October 2019, Princeton) - “Quantized Transport in Topological Semimetal Surfaces”
(Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2019, September 2019, Okayama) - “Sr2RuO4 Josephson junctions fabricated from epitaxial films”
(Oxide Superspin Workshop 2019, June 2019, Seoul) - “Quantum Hall Effect in Topological Semimetal Films”
(The 7th International Workshop on Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Hall Systems, June 2019, Beijing) - “Domain Wall Conduction at All-in-all-out Antiferromagnetic Iridate Heterointerface”
(CIMTEC 2018, June 2018, Perugia) - “Quantum Hall states observed in thin films of Dirac semimetal Cd3As2”
(International Conference on Topological Materials Science 2017, May 2017, Tokyo) - “Metallic domain wall at antiferromagnetic pyrochlore iridate heterointerface”
(2017 MRS Spring Meeting, April 2017, Phoenix (ES10.16.03)) - “Epitaxially stabilized oxide film composed of twisted triangular-lattice layers”
(Collaborative Conference on Crystal Growth 2015, December 2015, Hong Kong)
Contributed Talks
- “In-plane anomalous Hall effect in Weyl semimetal EuCd2Sb2 film grown by molecular beam epitaxy”
(The 23rd International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (ICMBE 2024), September 2024, Matsue (MO-B2-02))
A. Nakamura, S. Nishihaya, H. Ishizuka, M. Kriener, Y. Watanabe, M. Uchida - “Maximizing anomalous Hall effect by tuning the Fermi level in simple Weyl semimetal EuCd2Sb2”
(2023 American Physical Society March Meeting, March 2023, Las Vegas (A43.00008))
M. Uchida, M. Ohno, S. Minami, Y. Nakazawa, S. Sato, M. Kriener, R. Arita, M. Kawasaki - “Two-Dimensional Quantum Oscillations Observed in Magnetic Topological Semimetal EuSb2 Films”
(2021 MRS Spring Meeting, April 2021, online (NM03.09.06))
M.Ohno, M. Uchida, R. Kurihara, S. Minami, Y. Nakazawa, S. Sato, M. Kriener, M. Hirayama, A. Miyake, Y. Taguchi, R. Arita, M. Tokunaga, M. Kawasaki - “Quantum Hall signature of Weyl orbits in dual-gated Dirac semimetal film”
(2021 American Physical Society March Meeting, March 2021, online (X51.00001))
S. Nishihaya, M. Uchida, Y. Nakazawa, M. Kriener, Y. Taguchi, M. Kawasaki - “Above-room-temperature ferromagnetic state in a proximitized topological Dirac semimetal”
(2020 American Physical Society March Meeting, March 2020, Denver (S59.00002))
M. Uchida, T. Koretsune, S. Sato, M. Kriener, Y. Nakazawa, S. Nishihaya, Y. Taguchi, R. Arita, M. Kawasaki - “Quantized Surface Transport Observed in Cd3As2 Films”
(Materials Research Meeting 2019, December 2019, Yokohama)
M. Uchida, S. Nishihaya, Y. Nakazawa, R. Kurihara, K. Akiba, M. Kriener, A. Miyake, Y. Taguchi, M. Tokunaga, and M. Kawasaki - “Sr2RuO4 superconducting state as revealed by film and junction experiments”
(CEMS Symposium on “Emergent Quantum Materials 2019”, May 2019, Tokyo)
M. Uchida, I. Sakuraba, M. Kawamura, M. Ide, K. Takahashi, Y. Tokura, M. Kawasaki - “Sr2RuO4 Josephson junctions built in epitaxial films”
(2019 American Physical Society March Meeting, March 2019, Boston (H09.00007))
M. Uchida, I. Sakuraba, M. Kawamura, M. Ide, K. Takahashi, Y. Tokura, M. Kawasaki - “Quantum transport properties of Cd3As2 films with low carrier density”
(2019 American Physical Society March Meeting, March 2019, Boston (A04.00005))
Y. Nakazawa, M. Uchida, S. Nishihaya, S. Sato, M. Kawasaki - “Weyl orbit quantum Hall states observed in Dirac semimetal Cd3As2 thin films”
(2019 American Physical Society March Meeting, March 2019, Boston (A04.00001))
S. Nishihaya, M. Uchida, Y. Nakazawa, R. Kurihara, K. Akiba, M. Kriener, A. Miyake, Y. Taguchi, M. Tokunaga, M. Kawasaki - “Anomalous Hall effect in perovskite cobalt oxide thin films”
(2018 American Physical Society March Meeting, March 2018, Los Angeles (X23.00008))
Y. Ohuchi, J. Matsuno, Y. Kozuka, M. Uchida, M. Kawasaki - “Molecular beam epitaxy and characterization of superconducting Sr2RuO4 films”
(2018 American Physical Society March Meeting, March 2018, Los Angeles (K13.00004))
M. Uchida, M. Ide , H. Watanabe, K. S. Takahashi, Y. Tokura, M. Kawasaki - “Magnetotransport study of topological phase transition in (Cd1-xZnx)3As2 thin films”
(2018 American Physical Society March Meeting, March 2018, Los Angeles (E10.00009))
S. Nishihaya, M. Uchida, Y. Nakazawa, K. Akiba, M. Kriener, Y. Kozuka, A. Miyake, Y. Taguchi, M. Tokunaga, M. Kawasaki - “Growth and characterization of Cd3As2 epitaxial thin films on a II-VI substrate”
(2018 American Physical Society March Meeting, March 2018, Los Angeles (E10.00006))
Y. Nakazawa, M. Uchida, S. Nishihaya, Y. Kozuka, M. Kawasaki - “Electronic phase diagram of electron-doped cuprate La2-xCexCuO4 explored by electrolyte gating”
(2017 American Physical Society March Meeting, March 2017, New Orleans (P39.00009))
H. Matsuoka, M. Nakano, M. Uchida, M. Kawasaki, and Y. Iwasa - “Evolution of the Electronic Structure of n-Type BaSnO3 Films With Chemical Doping and Photodoping”
(2017 American Physical Society March Meeting, March 2017, New Orleans (C35.00006))
E. Lochocki, H. Paik, M. Uchida, D. Schlom, and K. Shen - “Ambipolar quantum transport in Cd3As2 field effect transistors”
(2017 American Physical Society March Meeting, March 2017, New Orleans (A44.00006))
S. Nishihaya, M. Uchida, Y. Nakazawa, M. Kriener, Y. Kozuka, Y. Taguchi, and M. Kawasaki - “Quantum Hall effect in Cd3As2 films”
(2017 American Physical Society March Meeting, March 2017, New Orleans (A44.00005))
M. Uchida, Y. Nakazawa, S. Nishihaya, K. Akiba, M. Kriener, Y. Kozuka, A. Miyake, Y. Taguchi, M. Tokunaga, N. Nagaosa, Y. Tokura, and M. Kawasaki - “Metallic Domain Wall at All-in-all-out Pyrochlore Iridate Heterointerface”
(23rd International Workshop on Oxide Electronics, October 2016, Nanjing)
T. C. Fujita, M. Uchida, Y. Kozuka, W. Sano, A. Tsukazaki, T. Arima, and M. Kawasaki - “Electric Field Control of Anomalous and Topological Hall Effects in SrIrO3/SrRuO3 Heterostructures”
(23rd International Workshop on Oxide Electronics, October 2016, Nanjing)
Y. Ohuchi, J. Matsuno, Y. Kozuka, M. Uchida, Y. Tokura, M. Kawasaki - “Electronic Structure of Epitaxial Thin Films of the Transparent Conducting Oxide La:BaSnO3 Measured By In-Situ Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy”
(2016 American Physical Society March Meeting, March 2016, Baltimore (E47.00011))
E. Lochocki, H. Paik, M. Uchida, D. G. Schlom, K. M. Shen - “Experimental bandstructure of the 5d transition metal oxide IrO2”
(2015 American Physical Society March Meeting, March 2015, San Antonio (A12.00010))
J. Kawasaki, Y. Nie, M. Uchida, D. G. Schlom, K. M. Shen - “Odd-parity magnetoresistance in pyrochlore iridate thin films with broken time-reversal symmetry”
(2015 American Physical Society March Meeting, March 2015, San Antonio (Y32.00002))
T. C. Fujita,Y. Kozuka, M. Uchida, A. Tsukazaki, T. Arima, and M. Kawasaki - “Anomalous and Topological Hall Effects in EuO Thin Films”
(21st International Workshop on Oxide Electronics, September 2014, Lake George (Session7-2))
Y. Ohuchi, M. Uchida, Y. Kozuka, N. Rezaei, M. S. Baharamy R. Arita, K. Ueno, A. Tsukazaki, and M. Kawasaki - “Detecting the Magnetic Domains of All-In-All-Out Spin Structure via Magnetotransport in Pyrochlore Iridate Thin Films”
(21st International Workshop on Oxide Electronics, September 2014, Lake George (Session4-5))
T. C. Fujita,Y. Kozuka, M. Uchida, A. Tsukazaki, T. Arima, and M. Kawasaki - “Magnetic Excitations in Thin Film Ba2IrO4 and Sr2IrO4 Probed by Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering”
(2014 American Physical Society March Meeting, March 2014, Denver (G6.00003))
J. P. Clancy, A. Lupascu, H. Gretarsson, M. H. Upton, J. Kim, Z. Islam, M. Uchida, D. G. Schlom, K. M. Shen, J. Nichols, J. Terzic, G. Cao, S. S. A. Seo, V. M. Katukuri, L. Hozoi, J. van den Brink, H. Stoll, and Y.-J. Kim - “Multi-orbital Fermi surfaces in metallic layered nickelate”
(2013 American Physical Society March Meeting, March 2013, Baltimore (T35.00014))
M. Uchida, K. Ishizaka, P. Hansmann, X. Yang, M. Sakano, J. Miyawaki, R. Arita, Y. Kaneko, Y. Takata, M. Oura, A. Toschi, K. Held, A. Chainani, O. K. Andersen, S. Shin, and Y. Tokura - “Electronic structure and strain-induced Lifshitz transition in epitaxial Ba2RuO4 thin films as studied by ARPES”
(2013 American Physical Society March Meeting, March 2013, Baltimore ( Z17.00013))
B. Burganov, C. Adamo, D. Shai, A. Mulder, M. Uchida, J. Harter, C. Fennie, D. Schlom, and K. Shen - “ARPES Studies of Low-energy electronic structure of the strong spin-orbit semimetal SrIrO3”
(2013 American Physical Society March Meeting, March 2013, Baltimore (B17.00011))
Y. Nie, P. D. C. King, H. Wei, M. Uchida, J. Harter, E. Monkman, D. Shai, D. Schlom, and K. Shen - “Thermoelectric response in the incoherent transport region near Mott transition: the case study of La1-xSrxVO3”
(2012 American Physical Society March Meeting, February 2012, Boston (D5.00002))
M. Uchida, K. Oishi, M. Matsuo, W. Koshibae, Y. Onose, M. Mori, J. Fujioka, S. Miyasaka, S. Maekawa, and Y. Tokura - “Pseudogap in metallic layered nickelate R2-xSrxNiO4”
(2011 American Physical Society March Meeting, March 2011, Dallas (P17.00008))
M. Uchida, K. Ishizaka, P. Hansmann, Y. Kaneko, Y. Ishida, X. Yang, R. Kumai, A. Toschi, Y. Onose, R. Arita, K. Held, O. K. Andersen, S. Shin, and Y. Tokura - “Charge dynamics in thermally and doping induced insulator-metal transitions of (Ti1-xVx)2O3”
(2009 American Physical Society March Meeting, March 2009, Pittsburgh (A30.00004))
M. Uchida, J. Fujioka, Y.Onose, and Y. Tokura
- “Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth of Magnetic Weyl Semimetal Candidate EuZn2Sb2”
(The 23rd International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (ICMBE 2024), September 2024, Matsue (TH-PS-03))
H. Lee, S. Nishihaya, A. Nakamura, M. Kriener, Y. Watanabe, M. Uchida
- “In-plane anomalous and planar Hall effects observed in EuZn2Sb2 thin films”
(CEMS Topical Meeting on Emergent Phenomena in Topological Quantum Materials, May 2024, Wako (P22))
H. Lee, S. Nishihaya, A. Nakamura, M. Kriener, Y. Watanabe, M. Uchida
- “Observation of in-plane anomalous Hall effect in magnetic Weyl semimetal EuCd2Sb2 films”
(CEMS Topical Meeting on Emergent Phenomena in Topological Quantum Materials, May 2024, Wako (P17))
A. Nakamura, S. Nishihaya, H. Ishizuka, M. Kriener, Y. Watanabe, M. Uchida
- “Changing magnetic ground states by epitaxial strain in Sr3Ru2O7 films”
(CEMS Symposium on Emergent Quantum Materials 2024, February 2024, Akihabara (P068))
R. Oshima, T. Hatanaka, S. Nishihaya, T. Nomoto, M. Kriener, T. C. Fujita, M. Kawasaki, R. Arita, M. Uchida
- “Multi-component topological Hall effect observed in films of a frustrated magnet EuCd2”
(CEMS Symposium on Emergent Quantum Materials 2024, February 2024, Akihabara (P064))
S. Nishihaya, Y. Watanabe, M. Kriener, A. Nakamura, M. Uchida
- “Examining multi-component quantum oscillations in SrRuO3 films”
(CEMS Symposium on Emergent Quantum Materials 2024, February 2024, Akihabara (P049))
Y. Matsuki, S. Nishihaya, M. Kriener, R. Oshima, F. Miwa, M. Uchida
- “Berry curvature derived negative magnetoconductivity in type-II magnetic Weyl semimetal EuCd2Sb2 films”
(CEMS Symposium on Emergent Quantum Materials 2024, February 2024, Akihabara (P038))
A. Nakamura, S. Nishihaya, H. Ishizuka, M. Kriener, M. Ohno, Y. Watanabe, M. Kawasaki, M. Uchida
- “Molecular beam epitaxy of Ruddlesden-Popper strontium ruthenates”
(29th International Workshop on Oxide Electronics (iWOE29), October 2023, Busan (P1-20))
R. Oshima, Y. Matsuki, T. Hatanaka, S. Nishihaya, F. Miwa, T. Nomoto, M. Kriener, T. C. Fujita, M. Kawasaki, R. Arita, M. Uchida
- “Control of magnetic ground states in largely strained Sr3Ru2O7films”
(International Conference on Quantum Liquid Crystals 2023 (QLC2023), August 2023, Sapporo (PS1-19))
- “Sr2RuO4 superconducting state as probed by film and junction experiments”
(26th International Workshop on Oxide Electronics, September 2019, Kyoto (A17))
M.Uchida, I. Sakuraba, M. Kawamura, M. Ide, K. S. Takahashi, Y. Tokura, and M. Kawasaki - “Fundamental properties of Sr2RuO4 superconducting films and Josephson junctions”
(The 8th Indo-Japan Seminar “Designing Emergent Materials”, January 2019, Tokyo)
M.Uchida, M. Ide, M. Kawamura, K. S. Takahashi, Y. Kozuka, Y. Tokura, M. Kawasaki - “Fundamental superconducting properties of Sr2RuO4 thin films and junctions”
(2018 Workshop of Max Planck-UBC-UTokyo Centre for Quantum Materials, December 2018, Tokyo (P-11))
M.Uchida, M. Ide, M. Kawamura, K. S. Takahashi, Y. Kozuka, Y. Tokura, M. Kawasaki - “Enhancement of upper critical field in superconducting Sr2RuO4 thin films”
(25th International Workshop on Oxide Electronics, October 2018, Les Diablerets (B62))
M.Uchida, M. Ide, M. Kawamura, K. S. Takahashi, Y. Kozuka, Y. Tokura, M. Kawasaki - “Observation of quantum Hall effect in Cd3As2 thin films”
(CEMS Workshop on “Emergent Quantum Materials”, January 2017, Tokyo (P58))
M.Uchida, Y. Nakazawa, S. Nishihaya, K. Akiba, M. Kriener, Y. Kozuka, A. Miyake, Y. Taguchi, M. Tokunaga, N. Nagaosa, Y. Tokura, M. Kawasaki - “Field-direction control of the type of charge carriers in nonsymmorphic IrO2”
(CEMS Workshop on “Topological Magnets”, May 2015, Wako (P39))
M.Uchida, W. Sano, K. S. Takahashi, T. Koretsune, Y. Kozuka, R. Arita, Y. Tokura, and M. Kawasaki - “Crystal Orientation Dependent Type of Charge Carriers in IrO2”
(21st International Workshop on Oxide Electronics, September 2014, Lake George (P2-60))
M.Uchida, K. S. Takahashi, Y. Kozuka, Y. Tokura, M. Kawasaki - “Unconventional temperature evolution in the Jeff = 1/2 vs. 3/2 bands in the layered iridate Ba2IrO4”
(The 6th Indo-Japan Seminar “Physics and Design of Multi-Functional Correlated Materials”, March 2014, Tokyo (P09))
M. Uchida, Y. F. Nie, P. D. C. King, C. H. Kim, C. J. Fennie, D. G. Schlom, and K. M. Shen - “Electronic structure and its temperature evolution in Ba2IrO4 thin films as probed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy”
(FIRST-QS2C Workshop “Emergent Phenomena of Correlated Materials”, November 2013, Shinagawa (P04))
M. Uchida, Y. F. Nie, P. D. C. King, D. G. Schlom, and K. M. Shen - “Electronic structure and its temperature evolution in epitaxial Ba2IrO4 thin films as studied by ARPES”
(CCMR Symposium “Oxides : Saving the World at 4K!”, May 2013, Ithaca (P10))
M. Uchida, Y. F. Nie, P. D. C. King, D. G. Schlom, and K. M. Shen - “Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy in Layered Nickelate Eu2-xSrxNiO4”
(FIRST-QS2C Workshop “Emergent Phenomena of Correlated Materials”, December 2011, Okinawa (P45))
M. Uchida, K. Ishizaka, P. Hansmann, X. Yang, M. Sakano, Y. Ishida, J. Miyawaki, Y. Kaneko, R. Kumai, R. Arita, Y. Takata, M. Oura, A. Toschi, Y. Onose, K. Held, A. Chainani, O. K. Andersen, S. Shin, and Y. Tokura - “Oxygen hole states in layered perovskite nickelate R2-xSrxNiO4”
(The 4th Indo-Japan Seminar “Electronic Structure of Novel Magnetic and Superconducting Materials”, February 2011, Tokyo (P09))
M. Uchida, Y. Yamasaki, J. Okamoto, Y. Kaneko, H. Nakao, Y. Murakami, and Y. Tokura - “Doping variation of oxygen hole symmetry in layered perovskite nickelates”
(IMSS Symposium “Prospects of Quantum Beam Sciences”, December 2010, Tsukuba (B-03))
M. Uchida, Y. Yamasaki, J. Okamoto, Y. Kaneko, H. Nakao, Y. Murakami, and Y. Tokura - “Optical study of the insulator-metal transition in R2-xSrxNiO4 single crystals”
(RIKEN Workshop “Emergent Phenomena of Correlated Materials”, December 2009, Wako (P30))
M. Uchida, J. Fujioka, Y. Kaneko, Y.Onose, and Y. Tokura - “Charge dynamics in thermally and doping induced insulator-metal transitions of (Ti1-xVx)2O3”
(AIST-RIKEN Joint Workshop “Emergent Phenomena of Correlated Materials”, March 2009, Okinawa (P09))
M. Uchida, J. Fujioka, Y.Onose, and Y. Tokura
Talks in Japan are listed in the Japanese page.